

Own The Sky

So this will be another short post I'm afraid, I wrote it last night before going to bed and set it to post today while I was out skiing. So yeah, sorry again but that's how it's gotta be. Works out well thought cause I really don't know much about this Vexare guy.

So, here's what I know. Vexare is a 14 year old kid from LA that makes dubstep. Yes, you did read that correctly, he's 14. I know that there are some other guys young that make music, and I love it. Anyone that makes music is awesome, especially if their bio is "I don't really want to write an autobiography because I just look like an arrogant bastard when I do, so who I really am is for you to decide." That shows some actual mental processing beyond just music, which is awesome for a kid this young who could be a cocky wank, not be. Of similar musicians, not in music but in style, Porter Robinson jumps to mind. He makes electro house ish stuff and he's also pretty chill for being only 18.

So from the song it's pretty clear he's got some big influences, GZUS and Udachi jump to mind. Some have said he sounds like Flux Pavillion but I disagree. Right,so I'm gunna go now cause I gotta rip up some slopes tomorrow(not), I'm out!

You Wouldn't Know Me-Vexare

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