

Color Blind

So now I hope to get back to regular posting after the holiday season has ended. I'm back to school in about a weeks time so time to try and get back to some semblance of normality. Of course New Years has not happened yet, so there's always the chance of that going sideways. Right, music. Sex Ray Vision is that couple of kids that make some great music, from Stanford if I remember correctly. They dropped this about two weeks ago, it's a remix of a Snow Patrol song, which is usually not bad. Check it out.
Open Your Eyes (Sex Ray Vision Remix) by sexrayvision

I really love Christmas, it kinda snuck up on me this year because I was overloaded with Exams I forgot about how soon it was. Needless to say, it was awesomely amazing mainly because it was with family and all that other cliche shit, that actually applies to me at this time of year. Oh, and I'm a year older as of a few days ago, so I guess that's exciting. I dunno, Birthdays always seem a bit...pointless to me. I've now wandered a bit off topic, and before I go any farther, here's a some more music. Inner Worlds is a guy from New York City that makes music, in this case a truly captivating remix of a Yelle song. It appears to be an entry for a contest, so do that if you like it. I'd characterize this as Glitch Pop if I absolutely had to,however to classify it accurately would probably require several paragraphs of words. And it's rather late. Enjoy these glitchy goodness, listen loud.
Yelle .:. S'eteint Le Soleil (INNER WORLDS Remix) by INNER WORLDS
I'll post again on the 30th, maybe even earlier. Have a good couple of days, if you're lucky like me and don't have to work right now, relax and enjoy it. I'm out!

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